What are dog allergies?
Dogs can be allergic to things like pollen, dust, mold, certain foods, and even flea saliva. Just like us, they can get itchy skin, sneeze, or have digestive problems. If you notice your dog scratching a lot, having runny eyes, or other unusual symptoms, it might be allergies.
Main types of dog allergies
Flea Allergy Dermatitis
Food Allergies
Environmental Allergies
Contact Allergies
The main symptoms of dog allergies include:
1. Itchy skin
Probably the most common. Dogs may scratch, lick, or chew their skin, especially around the paws, ears, underarms, and belly.
2. Ear problems
Frequent ear infections or itchy ears are common, especially in food and environmental allergies.
3. Skin Infections
All that scratching can lead to sores or hot spots.
4. Sneezing or runny nose
More typical with environmental allergies, like reactions to pollen.
5. Watery eyes
Can happen with environmental allergens.
6.Vomiting or diarrhea
Often seen with food allergies.
7. Paw licking
Dogs often lick their paws a lot if they have allergies.
8. Snoring
Caused by an inflamed throat.
Dog breeds more prone to suffer from allergies
Any dog, regardless of breed, can develop allergies, however there are some breeds that are more prone to allergies.

Chinese Shar-Pei

Wirehaired Fox Terrier

Golden Retriever



Boston Terrier

Labrador Retriever

Scottish Terrier

Shih Tzu

West Highland White Terrier

(especially “blue coated”)

American Pit Bull Terrier

Bichon Frise
environmental allergies.

Brussels Griffon

Bull Terrier

Cocker Spanie

German Shepherd

Treatment for dog allergies

If you suspect your dog may have allergies, it’s important to consult with a veterinarian for diagnosis and treatment. The vet will likely perform a physical examination and may recommend additional tests such as skin prick tests or blood tests to identify the specific allergens causing your dog’s problems.
Once the allergens are identified, there are a number of treatment options available to help manage your dog’s allergies. These may include:
Any dog, regardless of breed, can develop allergies, however there are some breeds that are more prone to allergies.
Antihistamines, corticosteroids, and immunosuppressant drugs can all help to reduce inflammation and relieve allergy symptoms.
Allergen avoidance
If possible, it’s best to avoid the allergens that your dog is allergic to. This may involve using flea and tick prevention medications, switching to a hypoallergenic diet, or keeping your dog away from known allergens such as pollen or mold.
Hyposensitization therapy
This type of therapy, also known as immunotherapy, involves gradually exposing your dog to small amounts of the allergen over time in order to desensitize their immune system.
With proper diagnosis and treatment, most dogs with allergies can live happy and healthy lives. By being aware of the signs of allergies and working with your veterinarian, you can help your furry friend feel their best.